Minggu, 20 Oktober 2019


BENEFITS AND IMPORTANCE OF A TRAFFIC - Many people who are successful in internet marketing. Most expect to get income from internet marketing that they run. 

There are three main things that need to be remembered to generate income on the internet, which is: TRAFFIC , TRAFFIC and TRAFFIC . Yes, that's the importance of traffic . How important? Hmmm ... very important. 

Traffic is the fuel in the online business world. If you will double your income then double the traffic to your website / blog. The more traffic that comes, the opportunity for more products / affiliate programs to sell is also getting bigger.


If you already have a website / blog with content that is weighted, design that is interesting and informative, then focus on building traffic. It's time to introduce your website / blog in the internet universe.

There are several ways to introduce your website :

1. Traffic can be brought from search engines. Search engines like: Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. The higher the ranking of search engines, the greater the chance of traffic you will get. The easier it is for visitors to find your website.

2. Place an ad. Many are paid and free. advertising is the fastest way to bring traffic, PPC (Pay Per Click) advertisements.

3. Traffic from various sources. As usual, social media is directed to your website.

4. Traffic that sticks / comes back. Make visitors come back to your website.

Blast traffic on your website, your income will also explode. But, traffic is not the final result. 

If you sell an affiliate product / program, the end result will be the sale of the product / service. Now can you convert so that your website visitors will become buyers of your products and will even become loyal customers?

There are 3 effective ways to convert your visitors:

1. Quality Products

Whatever product you are selling, make sure it is of good quality. Give detailed information about the products you offer. 

Understand the products you offer. Never give wrong information that is only to attract interest, if so the customer will not come back again.

2. Use the power of words

The power of words determines whether a visitor buys or not. Images and videos are useful for making a website interesting, but, words attract visitors to buy. 

Use words that are powerful and convincing. The power of words sends a message to the minds of prospective buyers and moves their minds to buy. Try visiting successful websites. Learn the strategies from the power of the words they use. You can apply it for your online business.

3. Build Communication that is warm

Build a warm communication with your visitors. Act like a friend who is familiar. Suppose you are talking directly with them. Be friendly with them. Respond to all the comments and give a good response.

Converting visitors to product buyers requires training. The more hours you fly, the more you will recognize the best patterns that you will apply. 

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